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Patent Services
Patent Application Preparation and Prosecution
Predominantly for electrical and mechanical technologies, I prepare and prosecute patent applications that are examined in patent offices worldwide. I specialize in U.S. practice. From my experience as a former patent examiner in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (PTO), I consider the impressions that patent examiners would likely receive when reading my applications and my submissions during prosecution. As an attorney at law, I consider the impressions that courts may have if they are called upon to consider my clients' competitors' attempts to invalidate the patents or to argue for narrow claim scope based on what I wrote in an application or in a response to an examiner.
In addition to my Israeli license, I also hold a U.S. license. Accordingly, I communicate directly with the U.S. PTO (and of course with the Israel Patent Office). Thus, my clients do not pay additional fees for foreign associate patent attorney services in the U.S.
Pre-Filing Counseling
Because it is can be unclear whether a patent is the proper type of protection relating to a particular invention (for elaboration, click here), I counsel my clients to determine whether to file an application for a patent. If it is determined to be worthwhile to seek patent protection, it may not be clear if the details of the invention are yet sufficiently developed for filing a patent application. For these issues and others that arise before deciding to file an application, I counsel my clients to determine which course of action is best for their particular business needs.
Patent Portfolio Planning
It is not necessarily simple determining whether to file multiple patent applications for a new product or to file a single application encompassing multiple features of the product. It can further be overwhelming planning in which countries to file applications for patents and in which order to file the applications. International treaties can provide advantages, but their nuances must be understood properly to benefit from them. Accordingly, I counsel my clients to determine which plan for building their patent portfolio is appropriate for their particular needs.
Additional services I provide include harvesting inventions, preparing invalidity and infringement opinions, and providing litigation support.
Predominantly for electrical and mechanical technologies, I prepare and prosecute patent applications that are examined in patent offices worldwide. I specialize in U.S. practice. From my experience as a former patent examiner in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (PTO), I consider the impressions that patent examiners would likely receive when reading my applications and my submissions during prosecution. As an attorney at law, I consider the impressions that courts may have if they are called upon to consider my clients' competitors' attempts to invalidate the patents or to argue for narrow claim scope based on what I wrote in an application or in a response to an examiner.
In addition to my Israeli license, I also hold a U.S. license. Accordingly, I communicate directly with the U.S. PTO (and of course with the Israel Patent Office). Thus, my clients do not pay additional fees for foreign associate patent attorney services in the U.S.
Pre-Filing Counseling
Because it is can be unclear whether a patent is the proper type of protection relating to a particular invention (for elaboration, click here), I counsel my clients to determine whether to file an application for a patent. If it is determined to be worthwhile to seek patent protection, it may not be clear if the details of the invention are yet sufficiently developed for filing a patent application. For these issues and others that arise before deciding to file an application, I counsel my clients to determine which course of action is best for their particular business needs.
Patent Portfolio Planning
It is not necessarily simple determining whether to file multiple patent applications for a new product or to file a single application encompassing multiple features of the product. It can further be overwhelming planning in which countries to file applications for patents and in which order to file the applications. International treaties can provide advantages, but their nuances must be understood properly to benefit from them. Accordingly, I counsel my clients to determine which plan for building their patent portfolio is appropriate for their particular needs.
Additional services I provide include harvesting inventions, preparing invalidity and infringement opinions, and providing litigation support.